Tuesday, March 25, 2008


So here it is March 24th and I am way behind on posting! We have been very busy with family visiting the past few weekends. We have new neighbors-twin girls that are Sydney's age- and they have been having a blast. So far, we have had a fashion show-which they video taped-and lots of backyard games. We fenced our yard and they have loved playing back there. (me too b/c I know where they are!)

We went back to our old church for Easter. Alan sang I Believe. God did His usual and blessed our socks off. Alan had been getting sick with allergies and could barely sing. But when he got on stage, he didn't miss a note. What an awesome God we have. (He couldn't sing on the way home.) Being back at Silverdale made me miss it even more! We had an awesome worship!

We stayed with our friends April and George and our girls dyed eggs and had an egg hunt.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

What sweet pictures of the girls on your blog. I put some of the girls easter pic on mine. Keep blogging